one roll in california

Recently I’ve been looking at how my pictures relate to one another. The flow/sequence photos can have or the similarity between photos taken without the intention of being used together.

2 rolls that I had in my fridge were recently developed. Both had many images in the same roll that related to each other. Right now I have a photo book in the works and the little amount of editing necessary for these rolls was greatly appreciated. One of these rolls was over a year old and has an interesting story, unfortunately it can’t be used in the aforementioned book so I’ll post it here instead.

When I was coming back to the states my layover was in LA. I decided to stay a few days and meet up with a good friend of mine. At the time I was just getting into film photography  (see so I shot one roll in California. It was a roll of ilford sfx 200. This roll was purchased in Japan (summer 2014) and flew to California (through xray machines). Shot in California and then flew again only to sit in my fridge for a year. I’m surprised that pictures actually came out!

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First film shot in America! I remember liking the lighting on the tree. After the photo I went to Panera bread in the background There will be a lot of car pictures in this roll!

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New and old black and white. The car scene in California seems great hopefully I can go back to take more car pictures someday.

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Since I was in the area I had to check out illest ( I love cars and taking pictures of them, if you want to see more of my car pictures check out or rave33clothes on instagram, or keep scrolling…

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Some more snaps

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California roads also seem great for taking a drive in one of the many nice cars you see around.

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I stayed in the Irvine area and it was really nice, the scenery was something I hadn’t seen too much of before.

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I think this roll tells the story of my layover in California. Some of the pictures don’t work as stand alone pictures but paired up its a nice little set. Rather than showing a few individually I’d prefer them to be seen in this order. Editing a project can be really difficult but this was a fun and easy project if you can call it that.

Taken with pentax p-30 50mm 1.7 in and around Irvine California, Ilford 200 sfx film that had seen better days. Scanned with the pakonf135 that helped make the images usable.